How an individualized approach to autism therapy can help your child progress faster

Imagine watching your child master a task like personal hygiene, eating new foods, wearing new clothes, or changing teachers or scheduled activities at school. For parents of children on the autism spectrum, these achievements are big victories.

While parents of children with autism may share these goals, the road to achieving them may look different for each family. Autism affects each child and family individually, and kids on the spectrum have unique strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, effective treatment plans target each child’s specific needs.

With a focus on data-driven individualized treatment plans and trackable progress, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy allows parents and clinicians to set and achieve personalized short- and long-term goals. But, for this approach to be successful, parents, caregivers and family members must understand that there are no fixed timelines for desired outcomes. At Sunshine, we work patiently to reach each goal together, one goal at a time and all goals over time.

Data-driven autism treatment

ABA therapy offers a data-driven, outcomes-based approach to autism treatment. In ABA therapy, all behaviors are logged in a patient database and plotted as individual points on a graph. Our clinical staff tracks and reviews all data weekly, allowing our ABA providers to recalibrate a child’s treatment plan based on their progress. This ensures children receive high-quality care and progress as quickly as possible.

Sunshine clinicians utilize many different ABA therapy techniques, including discrete trial training, early intensive behavioral intervention, pivotal response training, verbal behavior intervention and positive behavior support.

Our BCBAs and registered behavior technicians provide therapy at all times and in all environments. Whether at your child’s daycare, preschool or your home, our therapists ensure your child learns meaningful skills that will help them achieve your family’s goals.

A holistic approach

Sunshine’s approach to treatment considers family dynamics, home environment, mental health concerns, social norms, physical abilities, cultural sensitivities, language differences and any other factors that can impact a child’s growth. By crafting customized, individualized treatment strategies with these needs in mind, we nourish each child with the resources necessary to achieve your treatment goals.

Our evaluations and treatment plans are enhanced by our commitment to incorporating recommendations and input from families, caregivers and teachers. Right from the start, our treatment plans promote the family’s capacity to care for their child’s growth and development in their home environment by providing them with tools, support, education and training and continually monitoring the situation. 

We also offer coaching, consultations and training in child development for community members, childcare groups and other service agency personnel. With their entire environment in tune with their unique needs, your child can flourish.

Encouraging self-awareness

Helping children with autism develop self-awareness is an important part of facilitating their development. Instead of always telling a child exactly what to do in each situation, our behavioral therapists step back and elicit feedback about what worked and what didn’t. Once a child can identify and verbalize positive behaviors, they have developed a level of self-awareness. This self-awareness eventually becomes permanent and no longer needs to be reinforced. 

Through individualized therapy and building self-awareness, we work to mainstream children with autism. This could mean preparing your child to participate in many different mainstream environments, including school, playgrounds, libraries, stadiums, houses of worship and more. 

Interested in learning more about our individualized, data-driven approach to autism treatment? Let’s talk. At Sunshine Advantage, our mission is to provide every child in our care with the tools they need to grow and succeed. We deliver highly individualized, evidence-based holistic treatment programs that target each child’s specific needs and consider their unique circumstances.

At Sunshine, we understand the different complexities that families of children with disabilities face every day. By working with experts across various modalities, we craft comprehensive treatment strategies that encompass all elements of therapy to best empower our clients to reach their full potential.

We encourage you to take full advantage of our integrated approach. With everything from insurance billing to personalized treatment plans taken care of, you can trust that your child is receiving all the “sunshine” and input they need to grow and thrive.

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