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Submit Inquiry

Fill out an inquiry form on our site, and our intake team will contact you within 24-48 hours

Provide ASD Diagnostic & Child’s Insurance Details

As a part of the intake process, we will need your diagnostic of ASD and all pertinent insurance details for your child

Insurance Authorization

Once the authorization is approved, one of our licensed Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA's) will contact you to schedule an in-home assessment.

Insurance Eligibility Verification

Upon receipt of your child’s insurance information, our intake team will contact your insurance company to verify eligibility of coverage and authorization to start an assessment with your child. This process can take 3-5 business days.

Child Assessment

During a scheduled in-home assessment, our BCBA will work directly with your child 1:1. The assessment can take up to 8 hours and upon completion, an extensive evaluation report will be written and sent to both you and your child’s insurance company for a review and approval of on-going therapy hours. Based on the result of the assessment, our team will recommend the number of hours we believe will benefit your child the most. However, the on-going therapy hours may vary based the approval, but typically, we get approved for an average of 10-30 hours per week. In addition, weekly supervision hours and treatment planning hours will be included. Lastly, team meetings and social skill group may be available based on individual needs.


Upon approval, the individualized 1:1 ongoing ABA therapy plan will be developed by our Behavior Analyst and carried out by our highly trained ABA Therapists under supervision. Our therapy teams represent great diversity and cultural backgrounds, many fluent in multi languages that can cater to families’ specific needs.

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